vendredi 16 août 2013

Notre modo gyy vous transmet ceci:

Alright, here’s the thing about Kristen Stewart.

If you don’t like her, that’s perfectly fine.  You can go on through life hating her.  That’s your opinion.

But explain to me why the fuck you find it necessary to make hate blogs setting her as the background and icon and then grabbing every single photo of her you can fucking find, and break down every little fucking detail.  ”She has a scratch.  Her car’s dirty just like her.  You can see her bra - she’s such a slut!”  Like really?  Are you fucking kidding me?  Where the hell is making a hate blog going to get you in life?  Absofuckinglutely nowhere.

I don’t care if you don’t like Kristen as a person.  I don’t care if you find her hypocritical or a bad actress.  That’s fine!  That is your opinion!  And yes, you have a right to voice it, but the way you all do it, is not voicing it.  It is fucking screaming it from a bullhorn into a radio, announcing it to every single goddamn fucking person in the world.  You all feel the need to comment on basically every single picture you see of her calling her a slut and home-wrecker.  What the actual fuck is wrong with you?  And don’t even say nothing, because if you’re investing this much time in hating on a single woman, you’re fucked up in the brain.  

You all claim to be in your mid-twenties and older.  How can you sit behind a computer going onto blogs that like Kristen or Rob and Kristen together and call them pathetic, idiots, morons, etc?  That is not maturity.  I have seen toddlers act more mature than you.

You claim you’re doing all this to “piss off her fans”.  Well obviously you’re going to piss off her fans.  Defending your favorite celebrity is something every fucking person on Tumblr does.  If someone came to your blog and screamed at you, talking shit about Rob, you’d flip shit and defend him.  It’s a natural reaction on here. But when you guys do it, you make yourselves look absolutely fucking pathetic to people outside of her fandom.  And yes, I realize that a shit ton of Robsten fans and even Kristen fans look pathetic outside of their fandom - hell they look pathetic in the fandom.  But they are not the only ones.  They are not the only ones to defend their favorite celebrity.  They are not the only ones to go so fucking insane they make everyone think they’re crazy.  There are PLENTY of fandoms out there that do that.

You guys are so into hating on Kristen, you are literally standing behind the fucking paparazzi pigs and applauding them on annoying a human being whenever it involves Kristen.  You are all standing behind them for the little fucking stunt they pulled on her with the writing on the truck.  That is not something normal people do.  You are standing behind immature assholes.  Whenever the paparazzi harass Rob, you yell and kick and scream about how bad they are, but when it’s Kristen in Rob’s spot, you laugh and clap for them.  That’s hypocritical.

You guys all say she’s a horrible actress.  Please explain to me how, if she’s a “bad” actress, how she got to where she’s at.  How is she one of the most talked about celebrities?  How is she getting movie roles?  (Don’t even fucking say ‘by sleeping with the director’ because you all know damn well that’s not true but you all want it to be.)  Why is she getting invited to Paris Fashion Week?  I highly doubt high profile designers want a “D list” celebrity front row at their fashion shows.  How has she done over 24 movies at only 23 years old?  You can say she’s a horrible actress all you want, but your argument is invalid because she has done plenty of movies to discredit that argument.  So drop it.  You just want to pick on her for something.  She has plenty of talent - and people who are important know so.

And now onto the topic of how you all think she’s “fake”.  How?  How the fuck is she fake?  I have not seen her change over the years.  She still acts the same in interviews, and she still dresses the same (casually).  ”She sells herself.”  How?  By doing magazine cover shoots?  *GASP*  An actress doing a cover shoot in Hollywood? No!  Impossible!  If you think she’s fake for doing that, than you must think that all of Hollywood is.  ”Well she said she’d never sell herself.”  She meant her private life.  Which is why she doesn’t have Twitter or Instagram.  She wants her private life (i.e. relationships, family issues, etc) to stay between her and whomever she wants, which does not include any tabloids or interviewers.  That is not a bad thing at all.  It does not make her any less of a person for wanting to keep something private when everything else is out in the open.

Kristen was not put on this Earth to make you happy.  She does not have to do anything for anybody but herself.  If she doesn’t want to shower for two days straight, she doesn’t have to.  If she doesn’t want to wear heels on the red carpet, she doesn’t have to.  She does not live to fucking please your fucking ignorant ass.  She is doing something she loves, she is making enough money to support herself (and multiple other people, tbqh) and she is not hurting anybody in the process.  She is not out in the street, stabbing people and hurting people to get to where she is.  Stop acting like she is.

And stop making fun of her fans or the fans that support Robsten.  It’s not your place to tell them where they are wrong or right.  If people still believe Rob and Kristen are dating, let them.  It’s not your opinion.  It’s not hurting you in any way whatsoever, so leave it be.  You are acting like five-year-old, butting into an opinion that you disagree with, just to start a fight that nobody wins.  Nobody knows what’s going on between the two of them - and I highly doubt anybody will for awhile - so people can believe what they want to believe.  Do not shame them for believing in something you don’t.  That is not what this fucking website is for.  A person should be allowed to voice their opinion on here without backlash or someone jumping down their throat saying how wrong they are and telling them what to believe in.

Bottom line:  Stop acting like a child and grow the fuck up.


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