samedi 26 janvier 2013

Rumeurs! (merci a doidazzle-you)

I love the smell of stupidity, hysteria, bullshit and panic in the morning (afternoon for me, but who's arguing?)

Seems some people are on the 'lunatic train' and it's heading for a derailment, i can feel it in the air.
If they are not stalking friends and family of Rob and Kristen; 'to party or not to party?'
They are stalking Rob at his hotel and then posting up crap about supposed hook ups!
Of course, while the cat is away the mouse will play - just like what Kristen did on Rob. So why can't he do it on her - right?

But of course, the biggest bullshit has come of the back of a certain 'model/mediocre attempt at acting' filing a divorce from her philandering husband! (Wow i guess all those well publicised outings at their therapist for marriage counselling and attorney's offices, didn't pan out eh?) Never mind the amount of money they threw at the paparazzi/media attention/news grabbing need for attention - dollars wasted i would have to say.

SO...the media has grabbed your 'painfully thin on the brain cells' attention once again. Caused people to take to the social media in a blind panic of 'oh no!' as they circle around in a state of hysteria. Reading the media's headline grabbing articles, because more attention for the model and her 'sleazy husband' means more coverage for their lacklustre excuse of a marriage (can't fix something that is already broken)

BUT, it's all the actresses fault, she did this to them. She destroyed their marriage, she contributed to their kids lives 'now' in ruin. And all for a few headline grabbing photos. With an even painfully thin tale of 'afternoon delight' according to...*laughing hysterically* photographer's 'eyewitness' bunk down!

Marriages, when they can't be fixed and people especially children are hurt, is not something anyone wants to see or read about. BUT consider the fact that NO ONE, except the person's involved, know anything that did or did not happen. But some people feel the need to attack Kristen anyway; to put across their hateful opinion. Because the majority super fan vote is 'poor Rob, look what she did to you now!'

And all because of the need to stir up drama; spread lies and bullshit and then sit back and watch the hysterical fandom, take each other apart once more. Fans and their need to talk about it, analyse it, fight about it and fall out ... and for what?

There is another idiot train out there, it's called the 'train of desperation'
Yes it's one that is moving really fast downhill and the driver can't apply the brakes, because they're stuck on 'epic failing at common sense'

Those who hate Kristen Stewart. Not because she did anything to them. Not because she has said anything offensive or wore something they disapproved of. Shot or killed anyone, trampled or reversed over a defenceless animal?

It's because of what she did to Robert Pattinson.'s a thought;

DON'T you think it's up to Rob to decide whether she is worth forgiving?
DON'T you think it's up to him to decide whether he can trust her not to do whatever she did (over-active imaginations have this bit down to pat) again?
DON'T you think that it's their lives, their choices, their relationship. And no matter how many tumblrs, facebook pages, twitter accounts you create to 'release your hate on' Kristen, will make a blind bit of difference?
YOUR opinion counts for nothing.

The sooner 'some people' understand that your vitriol over what did or did not happen, does not concern Rob and Kristen. IF you are a fan, then you respect that the person you 'follow/stalk/admire/lust over' has a life and their choices in their life should not interfere with yours.

I have never lost my admiration for Kristen Stewart or Robert Pattinson, despite what did or did not happen. I don't sit on my 'high horse' and express my opinion on how they should conduct their lives. I admire then for their choices and of course, of their strength in seeing what was more important (and it wasn't the fandom explosion or the media intrusion and subsequent narcissistic opinions) and fighting for it.

(Remember; NO ONE knows what happened, no one expect the people involved)

There is enough stupidity in this world, without adding to it. If a 'celebrity' has to announce she is divorcing her 'cheating' husband, i can guarantee there are more 'hidden' skeletons in his closet than in a graveyard. Like i said, you can't fix something that is already broken and the break didn't happen last summer (trust me)

Dragging this through the media once more, only serves the purpose of once again trying to open a wound that had already began to heal. Two people have moved on; sorted out whatever 'problems' they had and have come out the other side, stronger and more together than ever.

If insecure fans want to constantly drum up this drama, they are doing so believing there is a need to relive what is in the past - yes past, as in no longer relevant.

As for anyone else...

Rob and Kristen are secure in the knowledge, that 'they have moved on with their lives' and don't see the need to announce their 'status' to the media.

Live, Learn, Laugh and Love

Happy Australia Day to all my Aussie readers and kindred friends alike!
light a barbie and have a beer or glass of wine on me :D

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